I suck.

I have yet to record anything for Iron Musician.  Basically, I am still not so good at playing guitar.  I don’t mean that in some abstract, self-loathing sense.  I mean that I’m just now getting to the point where I can transition some chords quickly enough to actually play some semblance of music.  I think I should be able to have some mediocre version of a popular song recorded for next weekend.  But I warn you, while others in this challenge will be posting things that are actually pleasant to listen to, you’ll be hearing some pretty bad covers of pretty easy songs from this participant. 🙂

One Response to “I suck.”

  1. A lot of Creedence Clearwater Revival songs are pretty simple.

    You can check out some videos of songs here to get an idea. They’re all done by my students, and if they can do it, so can you!


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